
Windows 10

Windows 10 Upgrade Microsoft has recently introduced a new Operating System: Windows 10. They are offering free upgrades to current Windows 7 and Windows 8 users. We have had several customers who have taken the upgrade and it has failed for one reason or the other. To be sure, there has been major confusion with

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What about all this talk about Spying and Credit Card Hacks????

By John Schroeder Snowden, NSA, PRISM, Target, Neiman Marcus… Everywhere we look our “privacy” is being compromised. However, the crucial question is how much privacy do we really have? Now granted, when you cough up a credit/debit card for a POS sale at any store, you have done nothing to invite having that data compromised.

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End of Life for Xp

By John Schroeder Microsoft has discontinued support for its Xp Operating System. What this means: There will be no more updates being sent down to patch the Operating System. Microsoft will not provide phone or Internet support for the Operating System. As Xp shrinks in an install base, third party support and products will also

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